Multipurpose Bubble Foam Cleaner for Kitchen and Chimney Stains

The VazzLox Multipurpose Bubble Foam Cleaner is a fast-acting and concentrated degreaser spray for the toughest cleaning jobs in the kitchen. It is designed for heavy-duty cleaning of kitchen appliances, such as grill, oven, chimney, gas stove, exhaust fan, and fat fryers, and it removes grease, grime, oil residue, and stains effectively.

Product S/N: 18

Multipurpose Bubble Foam Cleaner for Kitchen and Chimney Stains
Picture: Amazon


To use the product, simply spray the cleaner on the area to be cleaned, wait for 5 minutes, and then wipe with a clean cloth or scrub with a sponge for desired results. It can also be used for cleaning kitchen slabs, tiles, floors, and sinks.

The foam cleaner is non-flammable, nontoxic, and chlorine-free, making it safe to use on metals, plastic, fiberglass, marble, granite, glass, and all surfaces. It leaves no mineral deposit on drying and has a quick-drying formula.

This multipurpose cleaner is suitable for both commercial and domestic kitchens, food services, duct cleaning, pressure washing, engine degreasing, and spray and wipe cleaning. It effectively eliminates grease, stuck-on dirt, dust, fingerprints, and any unwanted stains on all surfaces. The product comes in a 450ml volume foam form, making it easy to use and store.

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